Thumbs up on doing a podcast. I agree with your opinion about the publisher and I am curious to see how the rest of her story turns out. Thanks for forcing yourself to finish the book for us! I’m looking forward to the next installment.

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Thanks for the feedback! Seems like a story worth telling but the editing was no bueno. Tale as old as time these days.

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Big Pharma is buried up to its nads in Psychiatry. We survivors are the offspring. Orphans of a flawed narrative.

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Not sure I can say it without sounding negative but isn’t that how it goes? Any sort of mental issue if reported to a psychiatrist will get you a prescription and some sort of diagnosis. If you go back and report any further symptoms you will get larger doses and/or more meds. Then you will very likely have even more symptoms mostly due to over medication. And how does that get treated? Switching meds, adding meds, maxing out doses, maybe ECT. If you put any ‘normal’ person through this process they would end up ‘crazy’.

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I like the podcast idea too! Thanks for getting this out Brooke!!

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