
Glad to see you go if this is how you feel. Goodbye!

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I am definitely looking forward to reading this series. I agree 100% that what we put in our mouths is so crucial to our overall well being. Just because an ingredient is legal doesn't mean it is good or safe. It's awful what is allowed to be added to our food, that isn't allowed in other counties, especially if the ingredient's only function is to make the food look a certain way or reduce the cost to manufacture the item. Making good, nutritious food at home is a skill that many don't have or care to learn. Take the time to learn, put down the damn phone and pick up a knife! Your life depends on it.

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Just a heads up on a typo "All that changed when I changed when I was forced to change what I put in my mouth."

Great read and hoping to learn from you on nutrition! Been trying to figure it out myself since covid and eat largely whole foods with the occasional processed. I've gone through loads of trial and error with diets but still feel I'm missing something... Looking forward to hearing about your approach!

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Thank you! Silly brain.

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